



WeltTellerWelt Erntefest

Schilfweg 20, 12200 Vienna


We Are

Musical direction: Patrick Huter

Anna Rosenkranz Abê, Alfaia, Vocals
Daniel Piringer Alfaia
David Bergstötter Alfaia, Gonguê
Jana Haab Alfaia
Jordan Brusenbauch Caixa, Pandeiro
Karin Weinmeister Abê, Alfaia, Apito, Gonguê, Mineiro, Vocals
Lena Kastner Abê, Alfaia, Gonguê, Mineiro, Vocals
Neslihan Minaz Alfaia
Nicolai Toth Alfaia, Vocals
Patrick Huter Abê, Alfaia, Atabaque, Apito, Caixa, Gonguê, Mineiro, Vocals
Paul Gulewycz Alfaia, Gonguê, Vocals
Sophie Zehetmayer Abê, Alfaia, Mineiro, Vocals

We were

and will be on stage
  • 2024
  • 2023
  • 2022
  • 2021
  • 2020
  • 2019
  • 2018
  • 2017
  • 2016
  • 2015
  • 2014
  • 2013
  • 2012
  • 21.09. | WeltTellerWelt Erntefest, Vienna
  • 12.07. | Ottakringer Beerparty, Vienna
  • 29.06. | MuWi Fest, Vienna
  • 14.06. | Mondscheingassenfest, Wien
  • 08.06. | Regenbogenparade, Vienna
  • 14.04. | 13. Wiener RADpaRADe, Wien
  • 28.03. | Maracatu em Viena #5 Fania Live, Vienna
  • 25.01. | Maracatu em Viena #3 Fania Live, Vienna
  • 26.10. | Maracatu em Viena #1, Fania Live, Vienna
  • 05.08. | Brazil Fest, Brno
  • 30.06. | Mondscheingassen Fešta, Neubau, Vienna
  • 30.06. | MuWi Fest, Campus AAKH, Vienna
  • 03.04. | 12. Wiener RADpaRADe, Staatsoper, Vienna
  • 10.09. | Wedding Party(private), Carinthia
  • 06.08. | Muito axé - 10 Jahre MaRe, Sargfabrik, Vienna
  • 01.07. | MuWi Fest, Campus AAKH, Vienna
  • 18.06. | Gleichklangfest, Alsergrund, Vienna
  • 03.04. | 11. Wiener RADpaRADe, Urania, Vienna
  • 17.11. | Bird Release-Party (cancelled), Fania Live, Vienna
  • 27.10. | 20 Jahre JobTRANSFAIR, Odeon, Vienna
  • 22.09. | "Abend der offenen Gesellschaft", Albert Schweizer Haus, Vienna
  • 17.09. | Gleichklangfest, Arne-Carlsson-Park, Vienna
  • 15.-17.07. | Linzer Pflasterspektakel , Linz
  • 02.07. | Mondscheingassen Fešta , Vienna
  • 03.04. | 10. Wiener RADpaRADe, Urania, Vienna
  • 03.10. | 4. Internationaler Kärnten Marathon, Region Feldkirch - Ossiacher See, Carinthia
  • 03.09. | Freihausviertelfest (cancelled) , Schleifmühlgasse, Vienna
  • 06.06. | Simmeringer Straßenfest (cancelled), Vienna
  • 29.03. | 9. Wiener RADpaRADe (cancelled), Urania, Vienna
  • 24.01. | Spitting Ibex "Love Hate Fear Fate" (Album Release), Porgy & Bess, Vienna
  • 22.11. | MaRe 7 Anos, Fania Live, Vienna
  • 05.10. | Simmeringer Straßenfest, Odeon, Vienna
  • 22.09. | 4. Internationaler Kärnten Marathon, Region Feldkirch - Ossiacher See, Carinthia
  • 02.-03.08. | SambaMania 2019, Senj, Croatia
  • 25.07. | PARTYCIPATION, Gänsendorf Süd
  • 28.06. | Romanistik- & Musikwissenschafts-Fest, Campus AAKH, Vienna
  • 28.06. | Mondscheingassen Fešta, Vienna
  • 09.06. | Karneval der Kulturen, Berlin
  • 31.03. | 8. Wiener RADpaRADe, Vienna
  • 12.01. | 6 Jahre MaRe, Fania Live, Vienna
  • 10.11. | BrasilFest Vienna, Vienna
  • 06.10. | Simmeringer Straßenfest, Vienna
  • 29.09. | Höfefest, St. Pölten
  • 15.09. | STREETLIFE Festival 2018, Babenbergerstraße, Vienna
  • 09.08. | Wedding Party (private)
  • 27.-28.07. | SambaMania 2018, Senj, Croatia
  • 19.-21.07 | 32. Linzer Pflasterspektakel, Linz
  • 30.06. | Freihausviertelfest, Schleifmühlgasse, Vienna
  • 29.06. | MuWi Fest, Campus AAKH (Hof 9), Vienna
  • 16.06. | Saturdance, Brunnenpassage, Vienna
  • 16.06. | StraßenKunstFest, Yppenplatz, Vienna
  • 02.06. | Simmeringer Straßenfest, Vienna
  • 26.05. | Südwind Straßenfestt, Campus AAKH (Hof 1), Vienna
  • 15.02. | Mandando Brasa Trio & Maracatú Renascente, Fania Live, Vienna
  • 25.11. | 5 Jahre MaRe, Fania Live, Vienna
  • 10.11. | Café Olge Sanchez Release Party, Schwarzberg, Vienna
  • 02.09. | Encanta Brasil, Fania Live, Vienna
  • 28.-30.07 | SambaMania 2017, Senj, Croatia
  • 30.06. | MuWi Fest, Campus AAKH (Hof 9), Vienna
  • 30.06. | Mondscheingassen Fešta, Mondscheingasse, Vienna
  • 03.06. | Simmeringer Straßenfest, Vienna
  • 19.05. | ¡Sonido Tropical!, Fania Live, Vienna
  • 02.04. | 7. Wiener RADpaRADe, Vienna
  • 09.03. | Ethnofest, Fluc, Vienna
  • 17.12. | 4 Jahre MaRe, Fania Live, Vienna
  • 11.11. | Wiener Rotkreuz Ball, Rathaus, Vienna
  • 29.10. | Kramladen, Vienna
  • 09.09. | Buskers Festival 2016, Karlsplatz , Vienna
  • 03.09. | Sommerfest Grellgasse, Vienna
  • 02.09. | 100 Jahre Naschmarkt, Naschmarkt, Vienna
  • 28.-30.07 | SambaMania 2016, Senj, Croatia
  • 21.07. | PARTYCIPATION, Gänsendorf Süd
  • 16.07. | MARACATU RENASCENTE supporting EMERSOUND, Fania Live, Vienna
  • 16.07. | Sommerfest, Vinzenz Pauli, St. Pölten
  • 02.07. | Freihausviertelfest, Schleifmühlgasse, Vienna
  • 25.05. | Sonido Tropical, Kramladen, Vienna
  • 21.05. | StraßenKunstFest, Yppenplatz, Vienna
  • 04.03. | 6. Wiener RADpaRADe, Praterstern, Vienna
  • 10.03. | Ethnofest, Fluc, Vienna
  • 11.12. | 3 Jahre MaRe, Fania Live, Vienna
  • 12.-13.09. | STREETLIFE festival 2015, Babenbergerstraße , Vienna
  • 11.-13.09. | Buskers Festival 2015, Karlsplatz, Vienna
  • 24.-25.07 | SambaMania 2015, Senj, Croatia
  • 23.07 | Samba Festival 2015, Lopar , Croatia
  • 26.06. | Kunstgeschichte-Party, Campus AAKH (Hof 9) , Vienna
  • 21.06. | 5. Wiener RADpaRADe, Ringstraße, Vienna
  • 19.06. | Ethnofestival, Campus AAKH (Hof 7), Vienna
  • 13.06. | Street Art Festival Brunnenmarkt, Yppenplatz, Vienna
  • 15.-16.05 | LINZFEST 2015, Donaupark, Linz
  • 18.04. | ¡Sonido Tropical!, Fania Live, Vienna
  • 16.01. | Ethnofest, EKH, Vienna
  • 29.11. | Andy Lee's Birthdayparty, Kulturverein Einbaumöbel, Vienna
  • 21.11. | Album Celebration, support for The Puzzle People Project, TüWi, Vienna
  • 12.11. | Free your Mind! - Das PsychologieFest, WERK , Vienna
  • 22.09. | Rasen am Ring, Ringstraße , Vienna
  • 05.-07.09. | Buskers Festival 2014, Karlsplatz, Vienna
  • 05.09. | Street festival 2014, Reindorfgasse, Vienna
  • 24.07. | PARTYCIPATION, Gänsendorf Süd
  • 14.06. | Street Art Festival Brunnenmarkt, Yppenplatz, Vienna
  • 13.06. | Campusfest, Campus AAKH, Vienna
  • 08.06. | Nosso Jogo, Karlsplatz, Vienna
  • 23.05. | Ethnofest, Campus AAKH, Vienna
  • 23.05. | Sommerfest des Kindergarten & Hort der Uni Wien, Campus AAKH, Vienna
  • 16.-17.05 | LINZFEST 2015, Donaupark, Linz
  • 06.04. | 4. Wiener RADpaRADe, Ringstraße, Vienna
  • 25.01. | Music For Malawi, Arena, Vienna
  • 18.01. | Masha's Farewell Party (private), Ost Bar, Vienna
  • 17.01. | Ethnofest, EKH, Vienna
  • 30.11. | Festa Meia Lua Inteira, Fania Live, Vienna
  • 28.11. | Soziologie-Fest, The Loft, Vienna
  • 16.11. | Dia da Consciencia Negra, Fania Live , Vienna
  • 02.11. | Bauchklang&Guests, Festspielhaus, St. Pölten
  • 18.10. | ¡Sonido Tropical!, Fania Live , Vienna
  • 13.09. | Street festival 2013, Reindorfgasse, Vienna
  • 06.09. | Street festival, Ottakringer Straße, Vienna
  • 18.-20.07 | Pflasterspektakel Linz, Linz
  • 18.06. | MuWi Fest, Campus AAKH (Hof 9), Vienna
  • 15.06. | Street Art Festival Brunnenmarkt, Yppenplatz, Vienna
  • 16.05. | Ethnofest, Fluc, Vienna
  • 12.14. | ¡Sonido Tropical!, WIRR Nachtcafe , Vienna
  • 31.01. | Local Heroes Vienna, Arena, Vienna
  • 17.01. | Ethnofest, Fluc, Vienna
  • 09.11. | Baile y Batuque, WIRR Nachtcafe, Vienna
Mondscheingassenfest 2023 10 Jahre MaRe Porgy & Bess MaRe Band

Maracatu Renascente

We perform Brazilian Maracatu and present traditional Maracatu Toadas as well as other Brazilian styles like Coco, Afoxé, Ciranda, Mangue Beat and more. Our self-composed songs as well as live improvisations complete the program.

The traditional Afro-Brazilian music form Maracatu de Baque Virado comes from the state of Pernambuco in the northeast of Brazil. Born on the streets of carnival, it is played with Alfaias, large bass drums made of wood. In Maracatu, polyphonic singing meets rousing drum rhythms.

We regularly play at street & district festivals as well as sporting events all over Austria and are also present on various stages and festivals. Our performance ranges from parades and outdoor performances without technical requirements to stage programs with polyphonic singing.

Anna Rosenkranz

Abê, Alfaia, Vocals

Anna is an incredibly lively person who enriches every rehearsal with her funny nature. She can primarily be found on the Alfaia, but she often lends us her great voice for one number or another. Thanks to her creativity and skill, she sings spontaneous second or third voices effortlessly and with joy. Anna studied rhythm and plays guitar and double bass. She plays the latter in the formation Wirrbel. Vortex is actually a good word to describe Anna: she shines and has energy like a colorful whirlwind.

Anna Rosenkranz

Daniel Piringer


Our band is enriched by another drummer. Sometimes Daniel, beating his knees with two sticks, looks for new rhythms. Sometimes just to clear his head. Since the beginning of 2023 he has been showing his rhythmic skills with the Alfaia. Whenever help is needed, Daniel insists on his commitment - for every situation. As he has a sweet tooth, he helps the band eat healthy and unhealthy things so that they can keep up with new things can be. No wonder that people's well-being is important to him: he is a trained psychiatrist. Nobody can make fun of Daniel. Because Self-irony and humor are part of his unique personality.

MaRe Logo

David Bergstoetter

Alfaia, Gonguê

Even at the beginning of the flood, David would come to the test on his bike. Although one of our newest members, he has quickly become an indispensable part of MaRe with his pragmatic solutions has already saved many a band discussion. With his musical flexibility he masters Alfaia, Gonguê and Shaker equally and recently lets also hear yourself on the vocal microphone. And our MaRe gigs are also organized and organized by David. When he's not on his If he's chilling on his favorite body of water (the Danube), he always knows which movies are worth seeing and sends out the hottest concert and party tips.

David Bergstötter

Jordan Brusenbauch

Caixa, Pandeiro

Jordan plays the beats on his Caixa rock solid. an instrument, which he has remained true to since joining the band, he creates a crisp groove and is the heart of the group. When playing on the Caixa, Jordan lets the sticks whirl through the air - in everyday life he uses the skateboard on which he can do a few tricks. If you stalk Jordan a little more closely, evidence of these skills can be found in some skate videos. He not only provides the band with his tight rhythms, but also with Swedish wine gum delicacies. The MaRe sweet tooths are just as happy about this as the hungry mice from the tasting cellar.

Jordan Brusenbauch

Karin Weinmeister

Abê, Alfaia, Apito, Gonguê, Mineiro, Vocals

Karin, also called “Cabo”, not only cuts a fine figure when playing Abé - she can play almost every instrument in the group and with her strong voice she is one of the leading singers in the band. When she occasionally leads the group as Mestra, her abilities as a motivating group leader become apparent. A true all-rounder! “One question…” – nothing remains unanswered at Cabo. The mix of great know-how, attention to detail, humor and a healthy dose of stage presence makes her an indispensable member of MaRe!

Karin Weinmeister

Lena Kastner

Abê, Alfaia, Gonguê, Mineiro, Vocals

Lena is not only one of our band veterans, but also our finance minister, St. Pölten representative and frequency representative. Her calm and natural approach to music is reflected in how easily and naturally she mastered Abê, Gonguê and Alfaia and she on top of that still has one of our most beautiful voices on the microphone. Even after a long time together, despite having a job and training, she still manages to be an integral part of the band and to everyone at the same time To put a smile on your face.

Lena Kastner

Neslihan Minaz


With her highly developed IT skills, Nesli quickly understands every rhythm. An algorithm is quickly found, like arms and legs be able to play efficiently and strongly. Years of experience with other percussion instruments help here; In the ensemble it is usually the Alfaia who is among them Fingers tremble. Since even the most calibrated brain needs balance after the final fine-tuning of our website, it finds it in nature The band also likes to delight them with a home-grown red beet lasagna. Although just the youngest in MaRe's family tree, Nesli's nature is stern and generous, from home-made chocolate to fresh stories to share with us all the way to capoeira games. Nesli tirelessly discovers and perfects new skills until she can hit the last one into the pan or pandeiro. Take yourself Be careful, because when the beat has faded, your heart won't remain closed either.

MaRe Logo

Nicolai Toth

Alfaia, Vocals

Nico Toth, has been with the MaRe’s since spring 2020. He was recruited by No. 1 headhunter Pata at the jazz club Porgy&Bess (Scene: “It was a foggy autumn night in ’19, people of all stripes were milling about in the stuffy club to the pleasant sounds of the band. Patrick “The Pata” Hutter steps out of the stage door, his gaze wanders around the overflowing room…”). But back to Nico: He shines as probably the best-looking Alfaia player, with his flowing movements, similar to a Japanese kata, always being his decades of experience in karate can be seen. He also sings fabulously and also plays the electric guitar and bass. He is the future band physiotherapist and is already working tirelessly to relieve any tension within the band.

Nicolai Toth

Patrick Huter

Abê, Alfaia, Atabaque, Apito, Caixa, Gonguê, Mineiro, Vocals

Pata is our Mestre who not only puts a lot of time but also a lot of heart into our band and music. He loves cozy gatherings with friends, all the dogs and the stage. In addition to his central role as Mestre, he also plays in many other bands. As an accomplished drummer who never gets bored playing polymetrics (yes you can do that!), MaRe benefits significantly from his knowledge and expertise. Best seen in his latest band turist! So you could say he's a typical drummer, but you'd think wrong: he also sings and raps in MaRe! As bandleader and artistic director, he dedicates his heart and soul to the group and looks after the members like a shepherd dog takes care of his flock. He never forgets the importance of a healthy band atmosphere and thinks a lot about the well-being of the band and its members. He leads our rehearsals warmly and with a lot of insults, cheers up the mood and still keeps the focus. In addition to his job as a drummer, DJ and teacher, his full-time job is Pata!

Patrick Huter

Paul Gulewycz

Alfaia, Gonguê, Vocals

Paul is a true all-rounder, he plays Alfaia, Gonguê, Abê, Cavaquinho and bass and he can also sing well. He joined the band a long time ago in 2012. The best thing for Paul is listening to exciting music with a group of great people every Monday play and get into the flow of the Maracatu together with them. He is characterized by his warm, caring, conscientious and honest nature. Paul always has an open ear, provides the band with important nutrients in the form of Manner slices during rehearsals and lets the pig go to the right place time out. And if there are sometimes tasks in the band that no one really wants to do, Paul often takes care of them.

Paul Gulewycz

Sophie Zehetmayer

Abê, Alfaia, Mineiro, Vocals

Sophie likes everything about MaRe: In addition to playing together, she enjoys singing before concerts as well as caring for her Instruments and buying candy for the band. She has been part of the band since 2015, when she went through an exercise at the Institute of Musicology came into contact with Maracatu for the first time and wanted to pursue this music further. Sophie is our veteran at the Alfaia, which is why even the most complicated beats are child's play for her. And she can also sing along with it without any problem. She also always provides us with scientific input on Maracatu and is the conscience of the band. “For me, MaRe means spending time with people I love and at the same time doing something creative and productive with them,” she says the band.

Sophie Zehetmayer

You are motivated

not only to dance, but also to play?
We are happy to welcome new members to the Band!

Feel free to contact us for our first try-out-session together:

Responsible for this Website

Maracatu Renascente Kulturverein für Perkussions-Musik

Osterleingasse 14/29

1150 Vienna

ZVR: 1942158439


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